Wednesday, November 13, 2019

11/14: Research Paper Outline


Your goal for today is to complete a Research Outline (Tentative thesis + topic sentences + possible evidence). The outline does need to be as complete as the one in the sample, but should sketch the general organization of your paper.

Research Stages
All these stages must be completed and documented to have your Third Draft evaluated. Please turn in the proposal, outline, 3 drafts, 3 feedback, and checklist together for evaluation by Thursday, December 5 in class. The Third Draft must be about 7 double spaced pages, or 1,800 words including the Works Cited page and use 3-5 (or more) sources to prove a thesis of your choice about the Net and/or Web. Use Modern Language Association style to document your sources. You may use images to illustrate your ideas, but make sure you explain and acknowledge the images properly.

Revisions and Grading:
  • Students who turn in the proposal, outline, 3 drafts, 3 feedback, and checklist on Thursday, December 5 in class will have a chance to revise it ONCE for a new grade. 
  • Students who wish to revise their last draft more than once after I have evaluated it should turn in the proposal, outline, 3 drafts, 3 feedback, and checklist BEFORE Thursday, December 5.  
  • Students who turn in the proposal, outline, 3 drafts, 3 feedback, and checklist on or after Tuesday, December 10 will not be able to revise the last draft. 
  • Students who have not turned the proposal, outline, 3 drafts, 3 feedback, and checklist by Friday, December 13 will receive a failing grade for the class.
Talkin' COIL: