Monday, November 5, 2018

11/6: Knowledge Production

Instructions on how to turn in Assignment 3: When you have completed the writing process, turn in


Essential questions: How is knowledge produced? Whose knowledge is disseminated? Who benefits from this knowledge? What is your place in the knowledge society? 

1. Some Context (work on these with a partner)

A. Consider: Information Society versus Knowledge Society

B. Consider: The Production of Knowledge

C. Consider: Information Privilege

1. What information resources do you have access to by virtue of your institutional affiliation that others do not?

2. What are the potential effects of this “information divide” for those who find themselves on either side of it? See also, “digital divide”:

3. What are the structures that perpetuate this system, and what can challenge these structures?

4. What responsibilities (if any) do you think are associated with privileged access to information?

2. Library Orientation 

A. How to read free websites using list of "hacker" ethic sites:

B. Library Databases

C. Scavenger Hunt

For next Class