Wednesday, October 30, 2019

10/31: The Web and (Mis) information


Essential Question: How does the World Wide Web help and hinder the sharing of information and the creation of a knowledge society?

-Report on Shane. See the definition for Yellow Journalism

-How fake can the Web get?
-What's legitimate information? What is dubious information? How can we tell the difference? Why does being able to tell the difference matter?

Does this post provide strong evidence about the conditions near the Fukushima Daiichi Power Plant? Explain your reasoning.

What about the original posting?

Which would you consider the most reliable source for information on these flowers? Why?
-What are some characteristics of a reliable source of information?
  1. The Onion
  2. World News Daily Report
  3. National Public Radio: (click around)
  4. Fox News: (click around)
  5. Breitbart (click around)
  6. New York Times: (click around)
  7. The Daily News: (click around)
  8. The Daily Show
  9. Wikipedia

-How do the Internet and Web help and hinder fake news? 
In what ways do the specific characteristics of the Internet and the World Wide Web, especially in its 2.0, 3.0, and mobile versions contribute to the boom of fake news?

-Possible solutions: 

1. Check those Ws!

2. Leave it to the experts: databases and peer reviewed sources

3. Trust the journalists: CUNY Graduate School Fake News Cheat Sheet 

See also :

Fact-checking sites:
Browser plug-ins:

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

10/29: Mass and Targeted Surveillance

Browse: “The NSA Files.”

For next class
  • Read: Shane, “From Headline to Photograph, a Fake News Masterpiece.”