Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Revising Essay 4

If you are revising Essay 2 or 3 into Essay 4, with the new draft
  • Turn in the original draft and my evaluation 
  • Turn in your typed or handwritten work for the revision strategy you chose to use
  • Write a brief cover letter explaining 1) what you changed when revising, 2) whether the strategy of your choice worked (how do you know?),  and 3) what you learned from revising.
If you are writing a newspaper article, the piece must
  • have an attractive but honest HEADLINE (no clickbait!).
  • open with an anecdote or example relevant to your topic and thesis.
  • use information from at least 5 sources, but NOT cite them in MLA style. Instead, use the journalistic approach of introducing sources thoroughly the first time