Tuesday, November 19, 2019

11/19-11/21: First Draft


Your goal for today is to begin the First Draft of your paper.

I do not check this first draft (if I accepted the Outline, you should be fine), but you MUST find 2 PEOPLE to complete separate reports answering the Reader Feedback for First Draft. These two people can be classmates or family/friends.
CHOOSE YOUR READERS JUDICIOUSLY--doing so is part of being a good writer. 

Research Stages
All these stages must be completed and documented to have your Third Draft evaluated. Please turn in the proposal, outline, 3 drafts, 3 feedback, and checklist together for evaluation by Thursday, December 5 in class. The Third Draft must be about 7 double spaced pages, or 1,800 words including the Works Cited page and use 3-5 (or more) sources to prove a thesis of your choice about the Net and/or Web. Use Modern Language Association style to document your sources. You may use images to illustrate your ideas, but make sure you explain and acknowledge the images properly.

Revisions and Grading:
  • Students who turn in the proposal, outline, 3 drafts, 3 feedback, and checklist on Thursday, December 5 in class will have a chance to revise it ONCE for a new grade. 
  • Students who wish to revise their last draft more than once after I have evaluated it should turn in the proposal, outline, 3 drafts, 3 feedback, and checklist BEFORE Thursday, December 5.  
  • Students who turn in the proposal, outline, 3 drafts, 3 feedback, and checklist on or after Tuesday, December 10 will not be able to revise the last draft. 
  • Students who have not turned the proposal, outline, 3 drafts, 3 feedback, and checklist by Friday, December 13 will receive a failing grade for the class.
Talkin' COIL:  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UPLsE6poM4la4ATaULaT8a4AHkZB3m01MHHyEQ-Tk5U/edit?usp=sharing