Monday, April 9, 2018

4/11: The Web and Privacy

Essential Question:  How has the current version of the World Wide Web changed our relationship with the establishment, particularly in terms of personal information?


1. Report on George Orwell's Nineteen eighty-four. 
2. Writing lesson: The Whys and Hows of Modern Language Association style. Here are some guides to help you:
    3. Essay 2 Workshop, continued

    Check that the essay is properly formatted. The essay
    • has a header, heading, and title
    • the title of the essay and the title of the Works Cited page are centered
    • the entries of the Works Cited page are formatted using hanging indent
    • is in 12 size font 
    • is double spaced
    • first line of its paragraphs is indented
    Complete the Exit Questions:

    For next class

    Read: Andrews, “George Orwell...Meet Mark Zuckerberg”
    Write: Journal 6 on Andrews, checking on vocabulary and using the 7Ws

    If you plan to turn in Essay 2,  turn in
    • Draft 1 
    • Reader Feedback (2 reader reports)
    • Draft 2
    • Essay Checklist
    • Any slips proving you have visited the Writing Center (B200) or SGA Tutoring

    4/9: Workshop on First Draft of Essay 2


    1. Overview of a possible useful introduction for Essay 2:

    2. If you have a complete draft, I will pair you with two people so you can complete the Reader Feedback for Essay 2

    Once you have completed and read your feedback, work on the second draft of Essay 2
    If you have not finished the first draft, finish the first draft. You will have to find two readers to complete the Reader Feedback for Essay 2

    3. Introducing the Essay Checklist

    For next class
    • Read: George Orwell's Nineteen eighty-four
    • Write: Journal 5 on Orwell using the 7Ws
     Instructions for how to turn in Essay 2: When you have completed the writing process, turn in
    • Draft 1 
    • Reader Feedback (2 reader reports)
    • Draft 2
    • Essay Checklist
    • Any slips proving you have visited the Writing Center (B200) or SGA Tutoring