Wednesday, May 16, 2018

5/16: Workshop for Essay 3, continued


Essay 3 Workshop: Introduction and Conclusion for Essay 3

1. Check these models for how to write an interesting introduction:
personal anecdote, anecdotal, scene setting, zinger leads
2. Check the purpose of an epigraph
3. Complete the So What? activity with three classmates.

From now on 

You should be working on Essay 3, then Essay 4, and on your Wikipedia contribution.

If you are turning in Essay 2 or Essay 3:  When you have completed the writing process, turn in

Monday, May 14, 2018

5/14: Essay 3 Workshop, continued

Essay 3 Workshop, Continued: Thesis and Outline for Essay 3

1. Here is the prompt for Essay 2
2. Create: A document to write Essay 3 in your Google Drive folder
  • Place the thesis on top
  • Create an outline to be filled up as you decide on sources
From now on 

You should be working on Essay 3, then Essay 4, and on your Wikipedia contribution.

If you are turning in Essay 2 or Essay 3:  When you have completed the writing process, turn in