The essential questions for this class:
- How has the World Wide Web changed American society and culture?
- What is my place in the resulting information society?
- Fill: Information Form.
- Join: Google Drive/Google Group
- Create your Google account HERE, if needed.
- Create a Google Drive Folder and add it to the appropriate Google Group
- In your folder, create a document for Assignment 1, ONE document for your journals, and one document for Reader Feedback
1. Discussing College and College Writing: "Not a Kid Anymore, or How Learning Happens in College"; “Roles of the Writer”; “Reader Feedback”
2. Meeting your appointed Readers
3. Beginning Assignment 1: Reflective Diagnostic
4. Complete the Exit Questions: https://goo.gl/forms/cgcyno5ErSrpvlWb2
For next class
Read: Postman, “Five Things We Need to Know about Technological Change.”