If you plan to turn in Essay 2, turn in
- Draft 1
- Reader Feedback (2 reader reports)
- Draft 2
- Essay Checklist
- Any slips proving you have visited the Writing Center (B200) or SGA Tutoring
1. Report on Honan
- Worried about your digital shadow? Detox your digital self: https://tacticaltech.org/news/data-detox-kit/
3. Complete the Exit Questions: https://goo.gl/forms/cgcyno5ErSrpvlWb2
For next class
- Watch: Terms and Conditions
http://laguardia.kanopystreaming.com/video/terms-and-conditions-may-apply-1 - Read:
- The lead for the Wikipedia entry on the National Security Agency: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Security_Agency
- The lead for the Wikipedia entry on Edward Snowden: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Snowden
- The NSA Files: https://www.theguardian.com/world/interactive/2013/nov/01/snowden-nsa-files-surveillance-revelations-decoded